15 Necklace Photography Ideas That Will Sell


Lola Lin

May 25, 2024

11 min read

For necklace brands, storytelling content plays a crucial role in engaging customers and building brand loyalty. Showcase your brand's unique story and personality through these 15 creative ideas for stunning necklace product photography. We'll also show you how to achieve these shots with both traditional photography and AI, using Assembo.ai for the AI images.

1. Highlight the Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail

closeup craftmanship of necklace photography

Capturing close-up shots of the intricate details and craftsmanship that go into creating each necklace is an excellent way to emphasize the quality and care put into each piece. Show the tools and techniques used, such as hand-engraving or stone-setting, to give customers a deeper appreciation for your brand's dedication to excellence.

Create detailed product photo With AI:

Create detailed product photo Without AI:

  • Use a macro lens to capture fine details
  • Experiment with lighting to highlight textures and reflections

2. Showcase Necklaces on Models

Woman wearing silver necklace and black leather jacket

Featuring necklaces on models provides context and demonstrates how they look when worn. Choose diverse models that represent your target audience to create a more inclusive and relatable brand image.

Create jewelry model photo With AI (Assembo Fahion App):

Create jewelry model photo Without AI:

  • Hire models that fit your brand's aesthetic and target demographic
  • Style models with complementary clothing and accessories to showcase the necklaces

3. Share Behind-the-Scenes Footage of the Design Process

Man in white dress shirt drawing on white paper

Showcase the creative journey behind each necklace design, from initial sketches to the final product. Include photos or videos of the designer at work, highlighting their passion and expertise.

Create BTS photo With AI:

Create BTS photo Without AI:

  • Capture candid photos and videos of the designer working on sketches, prototypes, and final products
  • Use natural lighting and a shallow depth of field to create an intimate, behind-the-scenes atmosphere

4. Showcase Necklaces Styled with Different Outfits (Lookbook)

Woman in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on brown wooden chair

Demonstrate the versatility of your necklaces by showcasing them with various outfits and styles. Provide inspiration for how customers can incorporate the necklaces into their own wardrobes.

Create lookbook photo With AI (Assembo Fashion App):

Create lookbook photo Without AI:

  • Style necklaces with a variety of outfits to demonstrate their versatility
  • Create a digital or printed lookbook showcasing the styled looks

5. Collaborate with Fashion Influencers/High-Profile Customers for Styling Ideas

Woman in black jacket and black pants sitting on brown wooden chair

Partner with fashion influencers or bloggers to create styled looks featuring your necklaces. Leverage their expertise and audience to provide fresh styling ideas and reach a wider audience.

Collaborate and create Without AI:

  • Reach out to influencers and high-profile customers who align with your brand's aesthetic
  • Provide them with necklaces to style and photograph, or collaborate on a joint photoshoot

6. Create Themed Lifestyle Photos

Smiling woman wearing necklace while sitting on sand at beach during sunset

Create themed lifestyle photos that showcase necklaces in specific contexts. For example, capture a beach-themed photo for a shell necklace or a romantic dinner setting for a pendant.

Create lifestype product photo With AI (Assembo Fashion App with AI Human Model):

Create lifestype product photo Without AI:

  • Choose themes that align with your necklace designs and target audience
  • Scout locations and plan photoshoots that capture the desired mood and atmosphere

7. Incorporate Motion and Movement

Woman in black tank top wearing silver necklace

Incorporating motion or movement can add dynamism to your necklace photos. Capture a model twirling or a necklace swaying in the wind to create eye-catching and engaging images.

Create motion blurred product photo With AI:

Create motion blurred product photo Without AI:

  • Use a slower shutter speed to capture motion blur
  • Direct models to move or dance while wearing the necklaces

8. Play with Reflections and Shadows

Gold-colored pendant necklace on black surface

Experiment with reflections and shadows to create depth and interest in your necklace photos. Use a mirror or create shadows with strategic lighting to add visual intrigue.

Create refections product photo With AI:

Create refections product photo Without AI:

  • Use a reflective surface, such as a mirror or water, to create intriguing reflections
  • Experiment with different light sources and angles to cast interesting shadows

9. Showcase Necklaces in Boutique Displays

Earrings and necklaces on display

Capture photos of your necklaces being displayed in boutiques or retail spaces. Highlight the visual merchandising and branding elements that create a cohesive and appealing brand experience.

Create boutique shop product photo With AI:

Create boutique shop product photo Without AI:

  • Style your necklaces in attractive displays that reflect your brand's aesthetic
  • Capture photos that showcase both the necklaces and the overall boutique atmosphere

10. Tell the Story Behind Each Necklace Design

Silver-colored chain necklace on black surface

Share the inspiration, meaning, or symbolism behind each necklace design. Create an emotional connection with customers by revealing the thought and intention that goes into each piece.

Tell your honest brand story Without AI:

  • Capture photos of the founders and team that illustrate the inspiration behind each design
  • Include written stories or descriptions to provide context and deepen the emotional connection

11. Create a Lookbook or Styling Guide

Assorted silver-colored accessories on black surface

Develop a digital or printed lookbook that showcases different ways to style your necklaces. Include tips on matching necklaces with different necklines, layering multiple pieces, and accessorizing for various occasions.

Create styling guide product photo With AI:

Create styling guide product photo Without AI:

  • Plan and execute a photoshoot with models showcasing various necklace styling options
  • Design an attractive layout for your lookbook, including high-quality images and helpful styling tips

12. Share Photos of Necklaces at Events or Pop-Up Shops

Silver necklace on black surface

Capture images of your necklaces being showcased at trunk shows, trade shows, or pop-up shops. Highlight your brand's presence in the fashion and jewelry community, and create a sense of exclusivity and excitement.

Snap event photos Without AI:

  • Capture candid photos of customers interacting with your necklaces at events
  • Showcase your event setup and branding elements to create a cohesive visual story

13. Share Customer Stories and Testimonials

Woman in blue denim jacket wearing silver necklace

Feature real customers sharing their stories and experiences with your brand's necklaces. Create a sense of community and trust by showcasing the positive impact your necklaces have had on customers' lives.

Share true customer stories Without AI:

  • Reach out to customers and invite them to share their stories and photos
  • Capture candid, authentic images of customers wearing your necklaces in their everyday lives

14. Show Personalized or Custom Necklace Design Services

Person holding gold-colored chain necklace

Showcase examples of personalized or custom-designed necklaces created for customers. Highlight your brand's ability to create unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that hold special meaning for each customer.

Share customized product photo Without AI:

  • Capture photos of custom necklace designs, highlighting the unique elements and craftsmanship
  • Include customer stories or quotes to emphasize the emotional significance of personalized pieces

15. Showcase Necklace Layering and Styling with a Collection of Products

Close-up photo of assorted pendants

Demonstrate how to style necklaces by layering different pieces or pairing them with complementary jewelry. Provide tips on creating visually appealing combinations that inspire customers.

Create layering style photos With AI:

Create layering style photos Without AI:

  • Create flatlay or styled photos showcasing different necklace combinations and styling ideas
  • Include tips or descriptions to help customers recreate the looks


Storytelling and behind-the-scenes content are essential for creating a strong brand identity and connecting with customers in the the necklace and luxury market. By experimenting with these 15 creative necklace photography ideas, you can showcase your brand's unique story and personality, captivating your audience and driving sales. Remember to focus on quality, consistency, and emotional connection in your images, and don't be afraid to experiment with both traditional photography and AI-generated content to find what works best for your brand.

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